Beautiful Bucephalandra Plant Species

Beautiful Bucephalandra Plant Species

Have you ever heard about water plant Bucephalandra or what is commonly known as Buce? may sound familiar to some people. But the plants that grow in the interior of the forest are very familiar in Borneo, or Kalimantan. This plant only exists in Indonesian Borneo. Besides that, the growth tends to be slow. It’s leaf shape and elegant color make this plant a target for hunting aquascapers around the world. The exotic and endemic to the island of Borneo makes this plant a magnet for Aquatic plant collectors around the world. Bucephalandra or often called Buce is a genus of flowering plants in the Araceae family. There are 30 species of Bucephalandra that have been found in Kalimantan (Borneo) and have been officially described by S.Y. Wong and P.C. Boyce. Most of the species are found in Borneo. Bucephalandra is usually found growing on rocks in humid tropical forest rivers, especially Kalimantan. Bucephalandra plants themselves have different shapes ranging in size from 2cm to 60cm. The types of leaves are also different, ranging from a lot to only units, and have various leaf colors such as green, blue, brown, bluish green, and many more.]
Today, there are a lot of Bucephalandra plant species on the market, traded under hundreds of different names. Bucephalandra can grow on wood, tree roots, and coconut, but my observations suggest that the root system of this plant is better developed on hard surfaces, such as various types of Roots have the ability to grow to hard surfaces, Bucephalandra can grow in only dim light, Bucephalandra will continue to grow and will still produce new leaves, but the color of this plant is usually not eye-catching.

Bucephalandra species godzila


The leaves are slightly elongated than the species mentioned above. It is still Bucephalandra Godzilla have longer leaves with a small ruffle. This species of Buce is medium- sized associate degreed like all different Bucephalandra species, could be a nice beginner plant for its straightforward care and exquisite New leaves sport a ruby-red to burnt umber coloration and once matured, additionally a slow grower, this species appearance best when hooked up to hardscape material equivalent to storage tank wood or stones. It may be full-grown submerged or emersed and in time can grow quite dense if given the correct conditions.
• Do not plant Bucephalandra in substrate and canopy the rhizome. this can cause it to soften and rot.
• Bucephalandra’s color, size and rate are dependent upon the condition of the storage tank.
• Do not build forceful changes to the aquarium. Unstable parameters will end in melt and decomposition of the aquarium plant.
• Please make certain to get rid of this plant from its pot. take away the cotton encompassing the roots and plant into a top quality substrate greenhouse gas injection will yield higher growth.
• Please analysis suitably to ensure your plant thrives.

Bucephalandra species nemora
The next species is Nemora, Nemora is one of the beautiful Bucephalandra plant species. This type of species has a slightly oval and rounded leaf shape. You can get green and later the leaves will turn purple. This Nemora is very beautiful and unique when placed in the diaquarium. Apart from the leaves there is also the appearance of roots underneath which are also very exotic. The advantage of this plant is that it is easy to live anywhere, as long as it is not short of water.

Bucephalandra species saviya

Brownie Saviya

The next species of bucephalandra is Saviya. This species has leaves that are slightly oval and rounded but slightly wavy at the edges of the leaves. It is still green when it is young, but the leaves will turn purple when they are a little old. Saviya is very beautiful and unique when placed in an aquarium.
The final size, color and growth rate of beautiful Bucephalandra plant species depend on aquarium conditions and maintenance. Bucephalandra is an aquarium plant so it can grow to the hardscape rock / wood in the aquarium. Can grows well with a wide range of water. Providing CO2 will result in better growth for this plant.

Bucephalandra species red flamberge

The next species is the Red flamberge. This species has an oval leaf shape with waves at the green if it is young, but the leaves will turn brownish purple when they are a little old. This Red Flamberge is truly beautiful and unique when placed in an aquarium. Apart from the leaves there is also the appearance of roots underneath which is also very exotic.

Red Flamberge

Bucephalandra species king tatena classic

The next species is the king tatena classic. The leaves for this species are quite large, therefore it is called a king. king tatena classic truly beautiful and unique when placed in an aquarium. The advantage of beautiful Bucephalandra plant species that it is easy to live anywhere, as long as it is not short of water. Extreme beauty buse with high rare value Bucephalandra KingTatena. Quickly adapted, has already released water leaves Very tolerant that grows well with a wide range of water parameters. Providing CO2 will result in better growth for buce.

There are information about beautiful Bucephalandra plant species, hope this article is useful for you.

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