How to Overcome Brain Fog and Regain Clarity During Recovery

When it comes to depressants like drugs or alcohol, such substances often release neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine when they first hit the body. “Initially, this results in a euphoric high,” says Norman Rosenthal, MD, a clinical professor of psychiatry at Georgetown University Medical School. But that sense of euphoria quickly diminishes and “a rebound effect” occurs, he explains. But another connection that behavioral scientists have been looking at is any association between increased instances of alcohol consumption and increased rates of depressive episodes and symptoms. Our team at Better Addiction Care can help you navigate this process and ensure you get the best care available in your area. Struggling with alcoholism can be troubling and emotionally draining, but recovery is possible.

If you’re looking for ways to get rid of alcoholic brain fog, you’re in luck. There are a number of things that you can do to clear your head and feel better. When alcohol is consumed, it enters the bloodstream and travels to the brain, where it can affect brain function. In this article, we will discuss eight different methods that you can use to clear your head and feel like yourself again and even improve your brain health in the long run. Alcohol addiction recovery does not end once a person’s brain fog fades. They should continue to seek counseling and move into a sober living facility.

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

When you sign up for my newsletter, you’ll get $10 OFF your next order in addition to my 56-page Guide to Leaky Gut eBook including everything you need to finally uncover the root cause of your conditions and overcome them. Conventional medicine views psychological stressors as independent from the rest of the body. In reality, our brains are inextricably tied to our gastrointestinal tract. Menopause is reached when you go 12 months without a menstrual period. In one study13, women in the first year after their final menstrual cycle, or after menopause, showed higher decreases in attention, verbal learning, and verbal memory than in perimenopause. 2Some people may have better immunity than others to alcohol’s toxic effects.

does alcohol cause brain fog

We exist in a culture where it’s socially acceptable to consume caffeine and alcohol, especially in moderation. While the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that you exercise for alcohol brain fog 30 minutes per day, any kind of movement counts. A 2016 study suggested that stepping away from a task and taking a break can substantially improve your performance, focus, and degree of self-control.

What Is Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (“Wet Brain”)?

Candida is a form of yeast that lives in your mouth and intestines in small amounts. However, the good bacteria that keep yeast levels in check can get out of balance, allowing yeast to overgrow. This can happen by taking a round of antibiotics or drinking too much alcohol.

Alcohol also lowers inhibitions and clouds judgment, which could lead a person to engage in risky behaviors like having unprotected sex or driving a car while drunk. And if a person has an underlying mental health disorder, like depression or bipolar disorder, alcohol can exacerbate symptoms and increase mood swings. Experts say the first approach to getting rid of brain fog includes looking at lifestyle factors such as nutrition, sleep, and exercise. Thankfully, there are plenty of ways that you can do to treat brain fog naturally and alcohol addiction safely, and enhance your brain function, such as the ways we listed above. Getting enough sleep is one of the most important things that you can do to clear your head and get rid of brain fog and improve your cognitive function in the long term. If someone experiences brain fog in the weeks after their withdrawal, they may have a mental health problem.

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